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Author: xavier

Hostigation – Good for backups!

Just wanted to share information on this hosting provider. I’ve been using Hostigation for a while now for backups, cheap and for the most part pretty stable. Lately they’ve been problems with a spammer, which is not allowed, but they’ve fixed the problem.

The plans just give you 64MB of RAM but that’s because you don’t need RAM if your just doing backups and these plans are just for backups.

You can get up to 300GB for a quarterly payment of $40. That’s less than $15 bucks a month.

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BugAid is an extension for Visual Studio

This looks like a promising plugin for Visual Studio. It’s already helped me search for text in a large! object. I also used its comparison features. So far so good. Just need to make the decision whether its worth $49.

You can visit the website here for more information and for the 60 day trial:

BugAid is an extension for Visual Studio that can help you whenever you debug C# code. Using our unique features you can debug faster than ever before and have more time for writing quality code!


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How To Determine Your Linux Version

To determine what version of linux you are running enter the following command.

CentOS / RedHat

cat /etc/fedora-release

Debian / Ubuntu

cat /etc/issue


lsb_release -a

Run the following command to determine if you are running a 32-bit or 64-bit version.

# uname -a
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X2Go – Hostkey for server changed.

I installed X2Go yesterday on a Ubuntu server of mine. Of course I didn’t get my configuration right the first time 🙂 but X2Go was working 😉 . Since it was a VPS I just re-installed from scratch. However, I wasn’t able to get my X2Go windows client to work after the re-install. I received something similar to the error below.

Hostkey for server changed. The host key is now xx xx xx xx
The connection is being closed now.

After doing some Google searches I finally found something that kind of helped. They recommend deleting the “.ssh” directory but that didn’t work for me. I had to delete the “known_hosts” file under the directory “C:\Users\XXXX\ssh”, XXXX of course being your username.

You can also edit the file and just delete the line that contains the IP address your trying to connect to.

I am running Windows 7 Professional.

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Redirect to HTTPS – Using URL Rewrite

I needed to redirect a HTTP website to HTTPS. I thought it was part of IIS, and I think it was at some point. Maybe in IIS 7.0.

But here is the code to redirect to HTTPS. I grabbed it from here

You will also need to install the URL Rewrite module located here:

<rule name="Redirect to HTTPS" stopProcessing="true">  
  <match url="(.*)" />  
    <add input="{HTTPS}" pattern="^OFF$" />  
  <action type="Redirect" url="https://{HTTP_HOST}/{R:1}" redirectType="Permanent" />  
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Registering your license for VMware ESXi 5.0

I had the hardest time finding the place to enter my license.

  1. Go to the vSphere client
  2. Click on the host
  3. Click the “Configuration” tab in the window to the right
  4. Click the “Licensed Features” link underneath “Software”, 2nd box on the 5.0 client.
  5. Click on edit in the right corner of the pane
  6. Enter your license key
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Playing around with VMware ESXi 5

I just started playing around with VMware ESXi 5 which appears to be free! Yey! 🙂

You can download it at the VMware website, Don’t forget to apply for the license which is free, otherwise you get a 60-day trial.

The reason I choose VMware ESXi was because I’m pretty familiar with VMware. I’ve had their workstation as long as I can remember. I actually had a license for both Linux and windows at one point. And umm… because that’s really the only one I could use on my server, hardware restraints.  🙂

There are a few other free virtualization software packages.

  • Citrix XenServer
  • Proxmox (open source)  – does KVM and OpenVZ
  • Virtuozzo
  • VMware ESXi


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